Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Happines Expression

Happines Expression

Happines Expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have exited feelings.

·   What is happiness?
a.   It is important to first understand that the term happiness refers to the emotion, mood, and state of happiness, however researcher generally study the more enduring state.
b.   Expression heppiness is used to expression happiness feelings when are successful to do something.

·   What would you say express you happiness?
1.)          Fantastic
2.)          Great
3.)          My life’s fun of happy day
4.)          You make me happy
5.)          I am so glad that you
6.)          I like …
7.)          I love …
8.)          I am statistied with
9.)          I am pleased with
10.)      Congratulation

·   We can happiness expression of by :
1.)             Word
2.)             Gestures

For example of dialogue about Happiness Expression

Tio         :    What do you accept from your birthday, Lex?
Alex       :    Fantastic,(1) I can a new bag from my mother. This is new bag. It is very good.
Tio         :    Oh, I am happy to hear it.
Alex       :    Thank you.
Tio         :    You are welcome.

(1) Express happiness

Gaining Attention

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.

If you want to gain attention of some people you can use this:
1.) Attention this
2.) May I have you attention, please?
3.) Excuse me, look here!
4.) Listen to me, please!
5.) Waiter?
6.) I am sorry, but …
7.) Wow, really?

For example of dialogue about gaining attention:

Hanny   :          Excuse me,(1) sist.
Anya      :          Yes, what happen?
Hanny   :          Can you bring my bag?
Anya      :          Oh, I am sorry, sist. I can not help you, because I must go from here. I want to post.
Hanny   :          Okay, do not worry.
Anya      :          Thank you and bye.
Hanny   :          You are welcome. Bye too. Be carefully.

(1) Gaining Attention

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